
BCH Oakland Research Symposium "Bench to Cribside," April 1, 2025

Recipients of the UCSF School of Medicine's BCH Oakland Dean's Office Research Scholars funding will present a 3-minute video and digital poster of their work. In addition to elevating the visibility of their work, the presentations will contribute to building a collective knowledge of potential healthcare advancements for children and youth in our community and in the world.

More info to come!

Past Seminars

May 8, 2024, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH Oakland Faculty Seminar "Initiating Cross-Bay Clinical Trials" (Zoom)

This seminar provided an overview of considerations for east bay and west bay clinical trials in multi-center studies. Considerations include clinical research staff, start-up, sample processing, and more. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | PowerPoint slides

February 8, 2024, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH All-Faculty Town Hall "Academic Space" (Zoom)

Town hall discussion focused on academic space plans during the BCH Oakland hospital construction. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | PowerPoint slides

December 14, 2023, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH All-Faculty Meeting "Supporting Faculty in the (Clinical) Learning Environment" (In Person/Webinar)

An overview of how mentors and learners can be supported in the clinical learning environment through UCSF SOM Medical Education: Center for Faculty Educators, effective communication, and other support resources. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | PowerPoint slides.

November 9, 2023, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH Oakland Faculty Seminar "Clinical Study Start-up" (Zoom)

This seminar provided an overview of how to start a clinical study. Content included clinical trial activation, clinical trial operations, CTSI, obtaining research support staff, and resources. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | PowerPoint slides

September 14, 2023, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH Faculty Seminar "Conflict of Interest (COI)” (Zoom)

An overview of COI, the difference between COI and Conflict of Commitment, reporting COI, and the role of the Conflict of Interest Advisory Committee (COIAC). Also includes case studies and where to go for support. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | PowerPoint slides.

August 17, 2023, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH All-Faculty Meeting "Fostering Learning at BCH Oakland" (Webinar)

An overview of the various educational programs for learners at BCH Oakland, and through community partnerships. Programs include SSRP, CHAMPS, UME, and GME, as well as observerships. Also, includes information on how you can get involved. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | PowerPoint slides.

July 6, 2023, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH Faculty Seminar "Outside Activity Tracking System (OATS)" (Zoom)

An overview and discussion for faculty regarding how to use the system and reporting requirements. This will be followed by a "Conflict of Interest (COI)" seminar in September. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | PowerPoint slides.

June 8, 2023, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH Faculty Seminar "Clinical Research Coordination Across Institutions" (Zoom)

A refresher and overview of how to get started with pediatric clinical research, coordination, and where to go for support. Experts from CTSI, the Office of Sponsored Research, and the academic departments will share strategies for the successful execution and management of clinical studies, including understanding the life cycle of a trial and where units intersect. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | PowerPoint slides.

May 11, 2023, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH Faculty Seminar "Space Update at BCH Oakland" (Zoom)

An interactive discussion regarding academic space at BCH Oakland. Hosted by the BCH Oakland Dean's Office. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | Slides Not Available.

April 27, 2023, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH All-Faculty Meeting "Who to Go to for What" (Webinar)

A webinar to provide faculty with insight into academic wayfinding and Q&A with an administrator panel focusing on advancement and promotion (A/P). Hosted by the BCH Oakland Dean's Office. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | PowerPoint slides. Link to 5-minute AP video

December 7, 2022, 5:00-6:00 PM | BCH Oak & SF All-Faculty Meeting "NPS Survey" (Webinar)

To provide senior leadership updates and discuss results and planned actions related to the outcomes of the NPS survey. Hosted by BCH Oakland and BCH SF. Watch the video (UCSF login required) | PowerPoint slides.

Watch all videos (UCSF login is required)