Special Permits for Clinical Work

Special Permits are issued to international physicians who are not currently eligible for a Physician’s and Surgeon’s License in California. Applicants must be sponsored by a medical school, hospital, or an approved fellowship training program in California. The permits authorize the individual to practice medicine only within the sponsoring medical school and at any of its affiliated institutions.  


Permit 2168

Foreign-trained medical graduates who require a special 2168 permit for courtesy privileges are managed by the School of Medicine’s office that handles international medical services, risk management, compliance, and related special projects. Applications are considered by the School’s Special Faculty Permit Committee. To submit an application and for any questions regarding the process, please contact Karla Goodbody, Analyst to the Vice Dean.

Permit 2113

This special program allows visiting professors and other visiting faculty who do not have a California license to practice clinical care at UCSF Health and affiliated sites through a UCSF-sponsored appointment. To qualify, the School of Medicine must submit the application, fees, and supporting documentation to the California Medical Board on behalf of the candidate. Requesting departments should be aware that as of July 2023, a decision was made by CA Department of Health Care Services to not enroll permit 2113 holders as MediCal providers. To be considered for a permit, the candidate’s sponsoring department should work with Karla Goodbody, Analyst to the Vice Dean, on their request.